Mass Spectrometry
Superior Quantitation
• Advanced quadrupole technology (AQT) improves precursor selection and transmission for more-accurate quantitation of low-abundance analytes in complex matrices
• Sophisticated data-independent acquisition (DIA) and parallel reaction monitoring (PRM) deliver reproducible quantitation with complete qualitative confidence
• An advanced active beam guide (AABG) reduces noise and extends maintenance intervals
Enhanced Analysis of Intact Proteins
• Optional intact protein mode provides superior trapping of large molecules for improved analysis of intact proteins and protein complexes
• Optional enhanced resolution ensures maximum ID confidence in top-down proteomics and lipidomics
High-Confidence Results
• HR/AM and full-scan capabilities capture all sample data, all of the time, enabling retrospective data analysis without need to re-run samples
• Resolving power up to 140,000 FWHM eliminates isobaric interferences, increasing confidence in results when analyzing samples in complex matrices
• Better than 1-ppm mass accuracy in full- and all-ion fragmentation (AIF) scan modes ensures confident compound identification
• Fast scanning at 12 Hz and spectral multiplexing suited to UHPLC applications
• Rapid polarity switching maximizes information obtained
• AIF and multiple dissociation techniques — in-source CID and HCD — aid in compound identification
• Mass range to 6000 m/z enhances detection of singly charged small molecules and biomolecules
• More than four orders of magnitude intrascan dynamic range, along with femtogram-level sensitivity, allow detection of trace-level and high-abundance compounds in the same scan
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.