Western Blot
Our Simple Western Service Features:
• Small sample volume required (5 µl can be enough to test for 8 different antibodies)
• Sample protein concentration as low as 0.2 mg/mL
• High sensitivity
• Quantitative results
• Size-based and charge-based assays
EV proteins characterized must be those that are expected to be found in EVs, such as membrane proteins (CD63, CD9, CD81, integrins) and cytosolic proteins with membrane binding capacity (Annexins, Rabs, etc), as well as those, that belong to other cellular compartments and are not expected to be found in EV (GM130 from Golgi, Calnexinv from ER, cytochrome c from mitochondria).
Our high throughput system allows us to test for 8 different antibodies, achieve np tp pg sensitivity using as little as 5 µl of the sample, and get up to 96 data points in a single run. In addition to size-based separation, charge assays have the power to resolve phosphorylation isotypes and other post-translational modifications.
The results are presented as an electropherogram format with each peak displayed numerically. Electropherogram peaks are then digitally rendered as a “virtual blot".